Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Maybe it's not so bad...


About 99 percent of the time, the thought of death scares the jeepers out of me. I can't even imagine how I am going to die. To my knowledge death is a topic that nobody likes to think about. It's already scary enough how short life is, so why put thought into the way your short life is going to end? 

However, when I was in this cemetery pictured above-- located in the Highlands of Scotland-- I felt at ease with death. This is the only cemetery I've been in where I did not feel creeped out or mournful. As I looked around at these intricately-detailed tombstones that overlooked miles and miles of emerald hills, I remembered that above anything, death is the passage to heaven. And if heaven looks something like this, I'll be happy. 

This month is the seven-year mark of the death of my remaining two grandparents. While it was heartbreaking to see them go, I like to think that their passing into the new life looked as peaceful as this.  

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