Sunday, September 12, 2010

Something my mind map says about me...

When I created my mind map, I realized how much I could relate some of my personal experiences to my creativity. I think that after this assignment I realized how personalized everybody’s creativity is. If it weren't for our own unique experiences, creativity would not be as interesting to study as it actually is.

I also realized how connected everything is in my mind. There were some items on my mind map that I was really surprised I could connect--- many seemed completely unrelated. But I guess that's just how our minds work: Our minds like trying to make sense of things; therefore, connecting topics is sometimes the best method. It will be interesting to see if I ever use this brainstorming method after I start my career. This brainstorming method definitely seems like the type that would help creatives get to the light-bulb moment when they least expect it. 

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