Sunday, October 3, 2010

30 Things I Want To Do Before I Turn 30

1) Go to/live in Italy
2) Own a grand piano
3) Either have a high position at a well-known magazine or write some of the big stories for that magazine
4) Open a bakery (if I fail as a writer)
5) Spend a year either living in a different country or traveling the world
6) Do what I love on a daily basis
7) Make a difference/make a significant impact on somebody
8) Be able to support myself financially with no help
9) Get a puppy and kitten
10) Be able to cook gourmet meals quickly and effortlessly
11) Live in a state other than Texas
12) Find "the one"
13) Get closer to extended family
14) Find a new hobby that I'm passionate about
15) Own a pair of Jimmy Choos, Christian Louboutins, Manolo Blahniks, etc... basically have a better shoe collection than Carrie Bradshaw
16) Go on a cruise... or a few
17) Learn a language and actually be able to speak it
18) Know more about history
19) Read more important literature
20) Make more lifetime friendships, while keeping the old ones
21) Feel good about myself at my 10 year high school reunion
22) Live somewhere near the mountains
23) Go through a powerful experience that will inspire me to write a book
24) Become more cultured
25) Give back to my parents for everything they have done for me
26) Become a godmother or aunt to somebody
27) Find my passion and continue to acquire more passions
28) Inspire people to do good in the world
29) Become more assertive about my needs and never settle for anything
30) Be completely satisfied with my life if I were to die the next day

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