Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Life As an Insomniac

Lately my brain has been wired and unable to rest at night. Luckily, the source of this is only from the caffeine overload of midterm season, so it's nothing permanent. But last night as I lay restlessly in bed, I thought about all of the people who are diagnosed as insomniacs. I am a person who likes my sleep, so not being able to sleep at night sounds like a tragic fate. But then I got to thinking...

We spend one third of our lives sleeping. Thirty-three percent. The more I think about it the more absurd it sounds. By the time I'm 75 I will have spent 25 years of my life in a slumber. That's a quarter of a century.

Just think about how much more of our lives we could be living if our bodies did not depend on sleep. We could do so many things that would have been impossible.

We could drive from coast to coast of the United States in one sitting. We could talk our loved ones who are long distance at any hour because the time difference would not matter. We could read boring textbooks in bed and actually stay awake. We could have the most epic sleepovers without actually sleeping over.

Here are some things I would do at night if I never had to sleep:

-- Party all night and the day after
-- Have a movie marathon for 24 hours straight
-- Get in my car, pick a road to follow, and end up somewhere random in the morning
-- Read the books and magazines that I just don't have time to read during the day
-- Have deep conversations with people for hours on end
-- Watch the sun rise every morning
-- Spend the night outside, become a part of nature, gaze at the stars, and bask myself in the kind of moonlight that is shown in the video below:

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