Sunday, October 3, 2010

Eyes Are the Window to the Soul

Have you ever wondered if other people who have healthy, normal vision physically see things differently than you do? What if your perception of the world depended on your eye color? They say that different eye colors portray different personalities. Take blue for an example. Blue eyes are often associated with the sea, the sky, something electrifying. They also are a universal symbol for babies, since most infants of many species are born with blue eyes. 

Blue eyes are also a symbol for blindness. Do you ever wonder if blind people imagine visions in their head to compensate for the vision their eyes fail to deliver? Or do they just see pitch black? What about the people who were at one time able to see and then later in their life went blind? 

And what about those who are color blind? Would it be a blessing or a curse to see everything in black and white? Cause on one hand, you could see things from a perspective that was of sheer simplicity: Everything would be as elegant as an Ansel Adams photograph. But on the other hand, to not have color would be almost as bad as being blind. You could never cherish the warm hues of a sunset on the beach, or the pastels in a painting, or the tulips in the spring. 

I think it would be interesting to live a day through somebody else's eyes. Whether they would be blind eyes, distorted eyes, or just differently colored eyes, it would be interesting to get a different perspective on this world that we all share. 

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