Monday, November 29, 2010

11 Things I Want To Do In 2011

So, I know it's a little early to think about the New Year, but since I'm such a fan of bucket lists, I thought I'd get started early on the cool things that I want to do for the upcoming year. 

1. Take a yoga class
2. Go on a road trip across multiple states 
3. Go with a group of friends to Vegas
4. Get a cool, well sought-after internship
5. Find more cool local hubs in the Dallas area
6. Regain my piano repertoire, and learn another difficult piece
7. Go camping (the legit way-- no cabins, no RVs, just tents)
8. Add on to my portfolio by getting more of my stories published
9. Host a dinner party
10. Meet an inspirational person
11. Go on a really original date 

I'm doing this now so that I can start thinking about new things I want to do instead of have half a year pass by and realize that I never made a bucket list. Maybe since I'm thinking about this earlier in advance, I'll be able to cross more items off my list by the time 2011 comes to an end.

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